Thursday, August 1, 2013

5 "must taste" suggestions for Houston's Restaurant Week ...

First, let's get this out of the way: restaurant "week", really last for the MONTH of August. So there is no need to cancel every meeting this week, keep on your in-much-need-of-a-cleaning "eating pants" or stress out. You have a full 4 weeks, 31 days of opportunity & 62 lunch/dinner opportunities!

Now that THAT'S outta the way, on to why you really clicked this article.  This article has one Houstonians take on 5 unique restaurants that are highly thought of around town. I recognize some of the names, but can't back up the claims of deliciousness. Isn't THAT the beauty of HRW though? You get to take an inexpensive taste of Houston's maaaany restaurants without going broke. So, what do you have to lose? If you're with good friends, on a blind date or special occasion, check 'em out. If you're on a blind date, you might want to go lower risk & start at a local Starbucks. (Sorry, they're not taking part in restaurant week.)

Please let me know about your dining experiences!

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